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A SecondChanceOffer notification is sent to a subscribed buyer who was unsuccessful in winning an auction item, but who is now receiving a Second Chance Offer from the seller of the original item. A seller may send a Second Chance Offer to a potential buyer if that seller was unable to complete the sale with the winning bidder, or if that seller has duplicate items for sale. In these cases, the seller will:

  1. Close out the past transaction for the item.
  2. Create the item as a new item.
  3. Offer the item to the past bidder a second time.

Platform Choice

When a user requests, via the notification preferences web page, to be notified of this event, the default is for the notification to be sent via API ("Platform"). The user can choose instead to be notified via wireless ("SMS").

Data Fields Returned

API Call that displays this notification: GetItem with default detail level

The data fields returned by the SecondChanceOffer notification are the same as those for GetItem with default details requestied. Refer to the GetItem call reference documentation for additional information.

Refer to SOAP Message Body for information about the standard elements returned for all notifications.

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