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Note:This method was originally created to see which onboarding requirements were still pending for sellers being onboarded for eBay managed payments, but now that all seller accounts are onboarded globally, this method should now just returne an empty payload with a 204 No Content HTTP status code.


Resource URI


This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the root URI with

URI parameters

This method has no URI parameters.

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization HTTP header for authentication authorization.

All other standard RESTful request headers are optional. For more information on standard RESTful request headers, see the HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page table.

OAuth scope

This request requires an access token created with the client credentials grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):

See OAuth access tokens for more information.

Request payload

This call has no payload.

Request fields

This call has no field definitions.


HTTP response headers

This call has no response headers.

Response payload

Response fields

Output container/fieldTypeDescription
kycChecksarray of KycCheck

This array contains one or more KYC checks required from a managed payments seller. The seller may need to provide more documentation and/or information about themselves, their company, or the bank account they are using for seller payouts.

If no KYC checks are currently required from the seller, this array is not returned, and the seller only receives a 204 No Content HTTP status code.

Occurrence: Conditional


The enumeration value returned in this field categorizes the type of details needed for the KYC check. More information about the check is shown in the detailMessage and other applicable, corresponding fields.

Occurrence: Conditional


The timestamp in this field indicates the date by which the seller should resolve the KYC requirement.

The timestamp in this field uses the UTC date and time format described in the ISO 8601 Standard. See below for this format and an example:

06-05-2020 10:34:18

Occurrence: Conditional


If applicable and available, a URL will be returned in this field, and the link will take the seller to an eBay page where they can provide the requested information.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field gives a short summary of what is required from the seller. An example might be, 'Upload bank document now.'. The detailMessage field will often provide more details on what is required of the seller.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field gives a detailed message about what is required from the seller. An example might be, 'Please upload a bank document by 2020-08-01 to get your account back in good standing.'.

Occurrence: Conditional

HTTP status codes

This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.

204No Content
400Bad Request
500Internal Server Error

Error codes

For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.

20500API_ACCOUNTAPPLICATIONThere was a problem with an eBay internal system or process. Contact eBay developer support for assistance.
21400API_ACCOUNTREQUESTThis marketplace is not supported. Please refer to documentation.


This call has no warnings.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.

Sample 1: Get KYC checks

This call retrieves any 'Know Your Customer' (KYC) check action items for managed payments sellers.


No path, query, or request payload parameters are needed for this method.



The response included two KYC checks - one check is asking the seller to provide bank account details, and the other is asking the seller to provide company information. A link to Seller Hub is shown for both KYC checks, and this is where the seller can view and provide the requested information.

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