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Note: This is the v2 version of the Order API which supports guest checkout payment flows. If you need to support member checkout payment flows, please use the v1_beta version of the Order API.

Just getting started with the Order API? See the following documents for details on using this API:

See the API Site Status for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Developer Support page for support options and information on filing bugs.

The API release history

The following table lists recent Order API releases.

Release Version Release Date Description of Release
v2.1.2 2023-10-04 Added itemOnHold field to OrderLineItemV2 type.
v2.1.1 2023-07-25 Revised error messages for initiateGuestCheckoutSession and updateGuestQuantity methods.
v2.1.0 2022-01-21 Added the ImportChargesV2 type and the ApplicableChargeTypeEnum enumeration type.
v2.0.0 2021-06-01 Initial release of Order API Version 2.0.0


The following changes have been incorporated in this release.

Schema change

The following field has been added to the OrderLineItemV2 type which is used by the getGuestPurchaseOrder method:

  • itemOnHold: When this value is true it indicates that the item has been put on hold due to a violation of eBay Policy.


The following sections describe the changes implemented in this release.

Revised Error Messages

The description for error message 15018 has been updated as shown in the table below. This affects the initiateGuestCheckout method.

Error ID Description
15018 The item is not available for purchase. This can be for several reasons including the listing has ended. Remove the item and resubmit the call.

The description for error message 15053 has been updated as shown in the table below. This affects the initiateGuestCheckoutSession and updateGuestQuantity methods.

Error ID Description
15053 Your desired item(s) are not available for purchase at this time. The unavailability of an item could be for any of several reasons, including the item being out of stock. Add available item(s) and resubmit the call.


Added the ImportChargesV2 type and the ApplicableChargeTypeEnum enumeration type to the Order API. These apply to Order API v2 guest checkout transactions.

  • ImportChargesV2 provides the description and amount of the charges, such as VAT, that apply to imported items.
  • ApplicableChargeTypeEnum defines the types of charges that apply. Currently, the only type is CUSTOMS.


This is the initial release of the Order API, Version 2.0.0. For a list of the supported resources and methods, see the Order API Reference.

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