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This method retrieves a paginated set of deal items. The result set contains all deal items associated with the specified search criteria and marketplace ID.


This method can return a maximum of 10,000 items. For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions.

eBay Partner Network: In order to receive a commission for your sales, you must use the URL returned in the itemAffiliateWebUrl field to forward your buyer to the site.


Resource URI


This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the root URI with

URI parameters

limitstringThe maximum number of items, from the current result set, returned on a single page.

Occurrence: Optional

offsetstringThe number of items that will be skipped in the result set. This is used with the limit field to control the pagination of the output.

For example, if the offset is set to 0 and the limit is set to 10, the method will retrieve items 1 through 10 from the list of items returned. If the offset is set to 10 and the limit is set to 10, the method will retrieve items 11 through 20 from the list of items returned.

Default: 0

Occurrence: Optional

category_idsstringThis query parameter specifies the unique identifier of the eBay category for the search.

For details see Get Categories for Buy APIs.

Occurrence: Optional

commissionablestringThis query parameter allows the response to filter by commissionable items.

If set to true, only commissionable items will be returned in the response. If set to false, commissionable items will not be returned in the response.

Note: This filter is currently only supported for the US marketplace.

Occurrence: Optional

delivery_countrystringThis query parameter allows the response to only return items that can be shipped to the specified country (2-digit ISO code).

Occurrence: Optional

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization HTTP header for authentication authorization.

The table below shows additional HTTP request headers that are either required, conditionally required, or strongly recommended for this method. Other standard HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page (not in this table) can also be used, but they are optional.

X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTXstringThis header is required to support revenue sharing for eBay Partner Network and to improve the accuracy of shipping and delivery time estimations.

For additional information, refer to Use request headers section of the Buying Integration Guide.

Occurrence: Optional

X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-IDstringThis header identifies the eBay marketplace.

See HTTP request headers for supported marketplace ID values.

Occurrence: Required

OAuth scope

This request requires an access token created with the client credentials grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):

See OAuth access tokens for more information.

Request payload

This call has no payload.

Request fields

This call has no field definitions.


HTTP response headers

This call has no response headers.

Response payload

{ /* DealItemSearchResponse */
"dealItems" : [
{ /* DealItem */
"additionalImages" : [
{ /* Image */
"height" : "string",
"text" : "string",
"image" :
{ /* Image */
"height" : "string",
"text" : "string",
"itemId" : "string",
"title" : "string",
"href" : "string",
"limit" : "integer",
"next" : "string",
"prev" : "string",

Response fields

Output container/fieldTypeDescription
dealItemsarray of DealItem

A list of deal items that match the search criteria.

Occurrence: Conditional

dealItems.additionalImagesarray of Image

The additional images for the deal item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The height of the image.

Occurrence: Conditional


The relative path to the image location.

Occurrence: Conditional


The text associated with the image.

Occurrence: Conditional


The width of the image.

Occurrence: Conditional

dealItems.categoryAncestorIdsarray of string

The IDs of the ancestors for the primary category.

Occurrence: Conditional


The ID of the leaf category for the deal item. A leaf category is the lowest level in a category and has no children.

Occurrence: Conditional


A boolean value specifying whether the listing has commission.

Occurrence: Conditional


The deal associated with the item with affiliate attribution.

Occurrence: Conditional


The date after which the deal ends.

Occurrence: Conditional


The date on which the deal starts.

Occurrence: Conditional


The web URL for the deal associated with the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


A string value specifying the Energy Efficiency class.

Occurrence: Conditional


The primary image for the deal item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The height of the image.

Occurrence: Conditional


The relative path to the image location.

Occurrence: Conditional


The text associated with the image.

Occurrence: Conditional


The width of the image.

Occurrence: Conditional


The item web URL with affiliate attribution.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier for the deal item group. This is the parent item ID for the seller-defined variations.

Note: This field is returned for multiple-SKU items.

Occurrence: Conditional


An enumeration value that indicates the type of item group. An item group contains items that have various aspect differences, such as color, size, or storage capacity.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier for the deal item.

Note: This field is only returned for single-SKU items.

Occurrence: Conditional


The web URL for the deal item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The legacy item ID associated with the deal item.

Occurrence: Always


The original price for the deal item, and the discount amount and percentage.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary value of the seller discount.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The percentage of the seller discount based on the value returned in the originalPrice field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary value of the item prior to the discount.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The pricing treatment (discount) that was applied to the price of the item.

Note: The pricing treatment affects how and where the discounted price can be displayed.

Occurrence: Conditional


The price for the deal item.

Note: The price does include the value-added tax (VAT) for applicable jurisdictions when requested from supported marketplaces. In this case, users must pass the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID request header specifying the supported marketplace (such as EBAY_GB) to see the VAT-inclusive pricing. For more information on VAT, refer to VAT Obligations in the EU.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional

dealItems.qualifiedProgramsarray of ProgramEnum

A list of programs applicable to the item.

Occurrence: Conditional

dealItems.shippingOptionsarray of ShippingOption

The cost required to ship the deal item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The final shipping cost for all items after all discounts are applied.

Note: The price does include the value-added tax (VAT) for applicable jurisdictions when requested from supported marketplaces. In this case, users must pass the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID request header specifying the supported marketplace (such as EBAY_GB) to see the VAT-inclusive pricing. For more information on VAT, refer to VAT Obligations in the EU.

Occurrence: Always


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The class of the shipping cost.


Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Always


The title of the deal item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The price per unit for the deal item. Some European countries require listings for certain types of products to include the price per unit so that buyers can accurately compare prices.

For example:

"unitPricingMeasure": "100g",
"unitPrice": {
  "value": "7.99",
  "currency": "GBP"

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The designation used to specify the quantity of the deal item, such as size, weight, volume, and count. This helps buyers compare prices.

For example, the following tells the buyer that the item is 7.99 per 100 grams.

"unitPricingMeasure": "100g",
"unitPrice": {
  "value": "7.99",
  "currency": "GBP"

Occurrence: Conditional


The relative path to the current set of results.

Occurrence: Conditional


The maximum number of items, from the current result set, returned on a single page.

Default: 20

Occurrence: Conditional


The relative path to the next set of results.

Occurrence: Conditional


The number of items that will be skipped in the result set. This is used with the limit field to control the pagination of the output.

For example, if the offset is set to 0 and the limit is set to 10, the method will retrieve items 1 through 10 from the list of items returned. If the offset is set to 10 and the limit is set to 10, the method will retrieve items 11 through 20 from the list of items returned.

Default: 0

Occurrence: Conditional


The relative path to the previous set of results.

Occurrence: Conditional


The total number of matches for the search criteria.

Occurrence: Conditional

HTTP status codes

This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.

400Bad Request
500Internal Server Error

Error codes

For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.

180000API_DEALAPPLICATIONThere was a problem with an eBay internal system or process. Contact eBay developer support for assistance.
180001API_DEALREQUESTInvalid, missing or unsupported marketplace. Please refer to documentation.
180002API_DEALREQUESTThe specified limit is invalid. Maximum value supported is 100.
180003API_DEALREQUESTThe specified offset is invalid.
180005API_DEALREQUESTcategory_ids length exceeded. Please check documentation for maximum values supported.
180007API_DEALREQUESTInvalid or unsupported filter 'commissionable' for the requested marketplace. Please refer to documentation.
180009API_DEALREQUESTNot authorized. Please contact developer support for assistance.
180010API_DEALREQUESTInvalid filter for 'delivery_country'. Please refer to the documentation for supported values.


This call has no warnings.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.

Sample 1: Retrieve Deal Items for a Specified Marketplace

This sample retrieves a paginated set of deal items associated with the specified search criteria and marketplace ID.


The inputs are the category_ids and limit URI parameters. There is no payload with this request.



If the call is successful, one deal item matching the specified search criteria and marketplace will be returned.

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