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eBay is continually working to give sellers a modern, feature-rich platform. As announced in eBay Community seller news, videos attached to listings is the next step in our ongoing efforts to help sellers deliver more engaging shopping experiences to current and new buyers. Videos will enhance sellers’ ability to showcase their products and brand, and help drive buyer engagement and sales. Additionally, videos will allow sellers to better describe the product being sold and possibly address typical buyer questions that may not get addressed through the listing images or description.

One use case for videos would be for the seller to provide instructions for a product that has to be assembled. Ultimately, videos can assist sellers in reducing returns and questions that come into their customer support teams.

Initially, videos will be visible to buyers only on the eBay native apps (iOS and Android). This experience will eventually expand to desktop and mobile web.

If you are interested in enabling your sellers to add videos to their listings, you will need to integrate with the new Media API to manage videos. This is our API-first approach and the new API is the only channel to upload videos into listings at present. To allow sellers to associate uploaded videos to their listings, integrate with the Add or Revise Item methods of the Trading API. See Media API reference documentation for more information on using the Media API, and the AddItem, ReviseItem, and GetItem reference docs for more information on using the newly introduced VideoDetails container. You can also read the Managing videos integration guide to get a high-level overview of the overall process from start (create your video) to finish (add or revise a listing with a video). There are also plans to update the Inventory API to enable adding videos to listings.

See the Media API Overview for information about video requirements.

This feature is currently only available in eBay US, but other marketplaces will be supported in the near future. Be sure to periodically check our Updates section to track additional updates to the Media API and videos.

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