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Published: August 19 2014, 9:31:00 AMUpdated: July 29 2022, 1:14:32 PM

Enabling call metrics logging with .NET SDK 


.NET SDK has a feature that lets you monitor the amount of time spent by a call at each phase.  This is a great utility to help you identify performance bottlenecks. 

Detailed Description 

Here is a sample C# code using .NET SDK to enable logging call metrics:
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using System;
using eBay.Service.Call;
using eBay.Service.Core.Sdk;
using eBay.Service.Util;
using eBay.Service.Core.Soap;

namespace SDK3Examples

public class AddItem

    public ApiLogger logger;
    public CallMetricsTable metrics;
public void GeteBayOfficialTime()
  GeteBayOfficialTimeCall apicall = new GeteBayOfficialTimeCall(GetContext);
  //log the metrics for the call


    public ApiContext GetContext()
       ApiContext context = new ApiContext();

  // Credentials for the call
  context.ApiCredential.eBayToken = 'token';

  // Set the URL
  context.SoapApiServerUrl = ''; 

  // Set logging
  context.ApiLogManager = newApiLogManager();
  context.ApiLogManager.ApiLoggerList.Add(new eBay.Service.Util.FileLogger('Messages.log', true, true, true));
  context.ApiLogManager.EnableLogging = true;
  logger = context.ApiLogManager.ApiLoggerList[0];

  // Set the version
  context.Version = '485';

 // Enable Call Metrics logging
 metrics = new CallMetricsTable();
 context.CallMetricsTable = metrics;
 context.EnableMetrics = true;

 return context;




This logs the call metrics in the log file as follows:

[1/4/2021 1:23:16 PM, Informational]
Number of calls recorded: 1

[1/4/2021 1:23:16 PM, Informational]
Total     Setup     Network   Server    Finish    Start Time          

[1/4/2021 1:23:16 PM, Informational]

[1/4/2021 1:23:16 PM, Informational]
8512      7721      392       8         390       2021-01-04 13:23:07.864  

[1/4/2021 1:23:16 PM, Informational]



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