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Published: October 09 2006, 10:30:00 AMUpdated: September 07 2022, 12:06:15 AM

If I have fixed price item with listing qty more than 1, before all listed qty sold and the listing expires, will I receive transaction for the sold items (say 2 out of 6 are sold)?

If I can receive transaction before all qty sold and listing expires, will the transaction appear in soldList and item repeat in both soldlist and activelist in the GetMyeBaySellingRequest call? 


A seller can use GetMyeBaySelling or GetItemTransaction to retrieve transaction data for a partially sold FixedPriceItem  listing.

Detailed Description

    When a portion of the multiple objects for a Fixed-Price listing is sold, the following event or data change happens:

    1. A transaction is created and a transactionId is generated.  The FixedPriceTransaction notification will be sent to a seller if the seller has subscribed to the platform notification event.
    2. The listing remains active status until the last object  is sold or when the duration is end, whichever comes first.
    3. The transaction can be viewed on the seller's MyeBay Sold table, and the remaining unsold objects for the listing  is displayed on the seller's MyeBay Selling table. Seller can use either GetItemTransaction or GetMyeBaySelling api call to track the status of the listing.

    By specifying both the ActiveList and SoldList ItemListCustomizationTypes in the GetMyeBaySellingRequest as below, the data for the sold and the remaining unsold objects of the listing will be returned  in the OrderTransactionArray of the SoldList  and ItemArray of the ActiveList respectively.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <GetMyeBaySellingRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <GetMyeBaySellingResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

      <TotalAuctionSellingValue currencyID="USD">0.0</TotalAuctionSellingValue>
      <TotalSoldValue currencyID="USD">10.0</TotalSoldValue>
    <ActiveList >
      <ItemArray >
          <BuyItNowPrice currencyID="USD">5.0</BuyItNowPrice>
          <ItemID>110007691830</ItemID >
          <Quantity>5</Quantity >
            <CurrentPrice currencyID="USD">5.0</CurrentPrice>
          <Title>Test item's  title</Title>
          <QuantityAvailable>3</QuantityAvailable >
      </ItemArray >
    </ActiveList >
    <SoldList >
      <OrderTransactionArray >
              <BuyItNowPrice currencyID="USD">5.0</BuyItNowPrice>
              <ItemID>110007691830</ItemID >
                <CurrentPrice currencyID="USD">5.0</CurrentPrice>
                  <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">2.0</ShippingServiceCost>
              <Title>Test item's  title</Title>
            <QuantityPurchased>2</QuantityPurchased >
            <TransactionID>5002026827</TransactionI D>
            <TotalPrice currencyID="USD">12.0</TotalPrice>
      </OrderTransactionArray >


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