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Published: January 30 2006, 5:24:00 PMUpdated: July 22 2022, 3:58:35 AM

You can use the GetNotificationsUsage call to recieve summary and detailed information on your applications notifications status. Below is a sample request and response, with an explanation of the response fields. Use this call to check the overall status of your notifications deliveries, or check status on a particular item.


A sample request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetNotificationsUsageRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

* StartTime cannot be more than 72 hours from the present time
* Default StartTime and EndTime is 24 hours
* ItemID is optional. If not used, only summary data will be returned

A sample response

Below is a response in which there was a notification failure.

<GetNotificationsUsageResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ErrorMessage>|[Notification HttpEventSender Error:
com.ebay.kernel.service.invocation.client.exception.ReceivingTimeoutException: Socket read from timed out after 3,000 milli-seconds.] </ErrorMessage>


Below is a response in which there was a delivery failure and then a successful delivery upon retry

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GetNotificationsUsageResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
ception.ReceivingTimeoutException: Socket read from timed out
after 3,000 milli-seconds.] |[Notification HttpEventSender: URL HTTP Client returned
'Success' (HTTP status: 200, 'OK')]

Explanation of the response fields:
<DeliveryURL> - The URL to which the notification delivery attempt was made
<ReferenceID> - Internal Reference ID of the notification event.
<ExpirationTime> - Time after which the event is considered expired and no delivery attempt will be made
<Type> - Notification Event Type
<Retries> - Number of delivery retries attempted thus far
<DeliveryStatus> - Current status
<NextRetryTime> - Time at which the the next retry will be attempted ( if Status is not Delivered )
<ErrorMessage> - Error which occured upon delivery attempt

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