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Published: March 08 2012, 3:00:00 PMUpdated: August 24 2022, 9:33:51 PM

How to consume and use ProductMetadataService using .NET framework

  1. Add a web reference to the ProductMetadataService WSDL
  2. Create a class that derives from ProductMetadataService class. For example, “CustomProductService.cs”.
    Override the GetWebRequest method and set the HTTP request headers such as protocol, operationName, serviceName, securityAppName.
  3. Create an object for the required request type. For example,
    GetProductSearchValuesBulkRequest request = new GetProductSearchValuesBulkRequest();  
  4. Provide value for the required properties.
    request.categoryId = "33707";
  5. Create an object to the required response type. For example,
    response = new GetCompatibilitySearchValuesBulkResponse();
      res = service.getCompatibilitySearchValuesBulk(req);
  6. Explore the response object for response data.    

The following is the code sample for getCompatibilitySearchValuesBulk call using C#.NET


Code in the Program.cs file

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;



namespace ProductMetadata_Sample


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)




                CustomProductService service = new CustomProductService();

                service.Url = @"";


                GetProductSearchValuesBulkRequest req = new GetProductSearchValuesBulkRequest();

                req.categoryId = "33707";

                string[] strPropertyName = {"Year", "Make", "Model" };

                req.propertyName = strPropertyName;

                // Setting Year Property filter

                PropertyValue pVal = new PropertyValue();

                pVal.propertyName = "Make";

                Value val = new Value();

                StringValue strValue = new StringValue();

                strValue.value = "Honda";

                val.Item = strValue;

                Value[] vals = { val };

                pVal.value = vals;


                PropertyValue[] propertyValues = { pVal };

                req.propertyFilter = propertyValues;


                GetCompatibilitySearchValuesBulkResponse res = new GetCompatibilitySearchValuesBulkResponse();

                res = service.getCompatibilitySearchValuesBulk(req);


                if (res.ack == AckValue.Success)


                    Console.WriteLine("Ack: " + res.ack.ToString());                   

                    foreach (PropertyNameValue pnv in res.propertyValuesTree.childPropertyNameValue)


                        Console.WriteLine("PropertyName: " + pnv.propertyName);






                    foreach (ErrorData error in res.errorMessage)


                        Console.WriteLine("ErrorID: " + error.errorId);

                        Console.WriteLine("Message: " + error.message);




            catch (Exception ex)


                throw ex;








Code in the CustomProductService.cs file

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;


using System.Net;


namespace ProductMetadata_Sample


    public class CustomProductService : ProductMetadataService


        protected override System.Net.WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri)




                HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)base.GetWebRequest(uri);

                request.Headers.Add("X-EBAY-SOA-SERVICE-NAME", "ProductMetadataService");

                request.Headers.Add("X-EBAY-SOA-OPERATION-NAME", "getCompatibilitySearchValuesBulk");

                request.Headers.Add("X-EBAY-SOA-SECURITY-APPNAME", "YOUR_APP_ID");

                request.Headers.Add("X-EBAY-SOA-GLOBAL-ID", "EBAY-MOTOR");

                return request;


            catch (Exception ex)


                throw ex;









sample is developed using the VS 2005 and the latest ProductService WSDL




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