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Published: May 31 2011, 10:40:00 AMUpdated: August 18 2022, 11:18:07 AM


If you list bundles items in consumer electronics, ensure that you have:

  • Set the item specifics name and values for bundled items
  • As a best practice, we recommend that you migrate to custom item specifics if you are using ID based attributes

If you do not set the item specifics for bundled items, you may run into ErrorCode 240, where the Message field for the error may indicate that you need to specify the bundles items as part of items specifics.

Detailed Description

Here is an example for listing a camera with bundled items:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
        <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">0.0</ShippingServiceCost>
    <StartPrice currencyID="USD">10.0</StartPrice>
    <Title>Canon EOS Rebel XS Digital SLR Camera +18-55mm Lens NEW</Title>
        <Value>Digital SLR</Value>
        <Value>10.3 MP</Value>
        <Name>Optical Zoom</Name>
        <Name>Bundled Items</Name>
        <Value>Case or Bag</Value>
        <Value>Extra Battery</Value>
        <Value>Extra Battery Charger</Value>
        <Value>Lens Cleaning Kit</Value>
        <Value>Lens Filter</Value>
        <Value>Memory Card</Value>
        <Value>Memory Reader</Value>
        <Name>Manufacturer Warranty</Name>

Additional Information


GetCategorySpecifics to determine the recommended name value pairs for custom item specifics

GetCategoryFeatures to determine if the categories of your interest have been migrated to custom item specifics

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