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Published: July 22 2010, 10:58:00 PMUpdated: June 15 2023, 11:29:46 AM

Why I am getting less items in GetMyeBaySelling  SoldList or UnsoldList when compare with what are displayed in My eBay site?

For example, there are 23 items displayed in My eBay Sold page.

While GetMyeBaySelling API call only returns 7 records for the same seller as below. What is the problem?

 <GetMyeBaySellingRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


The reason the number of  sold items returned in GetMyeBaySelling response not agree with the sold number appeared on My eBay Selling page is that the report period is not the same. In the above sample, report period is 'All' in My eBay ->Sold page while it is not set for GetMyeBaySelling SoldList request query.

You can specify DurationInDays property to the time period during which an item was sold or unsold as below:


However; keep in mind that My eBay user interface shows upto 90 days sold/unsold items while in GetMyeBaySelling api call, the valid duration range is 1-60 for SoldList/UnsoldList.

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