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The Finding API is simple and easy to use. This section outlines the fundamentals of how to use the Finding API.

See Making a Call for information about how to construct and submit a Finding API call. Refer to the API Reference for details about the API structure and logic.


All that is required to use the Finding API is an AppID. If you already have an AppID for use with another eBay API, such as the Shopping API, it will work for the Finding API, as well. You must specify your AppID in the X-EBAY-SOA-SECURITY-APPNAME HTTP header (or SECURITY-APPNAME URL parameter) of every request.

API Call Limits

Please refer to the API Call Limits page on the eBay Developers Program portal for current default call limits and call limits for applications that have completed the Compatible Application Check, which is a free service that the eBay Developers Program provides to its members.

Limitations and Restrictions

ebay Motor Searches

The eBay Motors site, global ID EBAY-MOTOR, does not support searching by product.

Mature Content

The Finding API does not return mature content in the response. All items from categories marked for mature users are filtered out and not returned in the response.

Sandbox Environment

The Finding Service is supported in the eBay Sandbox environment, but the Production environment is preferred for testing. Since the Finding API does not modify any item or user data, you can safely test your application with calls to the live eBay site. The Production environment also has more comprehensive and pertinent data.

For more information about testing, refer to Testing Overview in the Making a Call section.

API Reference

Refer to the API Reference for a list of calls in the Finding API. The API Reference includes the following information:

  • Prototypes of the request and response structure for each call

  • Comprehensive list of inputs and outputs supported by each call and descriptions of their meaning and behavior

  • Call samples (request and response)

  • Index of schema elements (types, fields, enumerations)

  • Change history information for each call

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