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As an EPN (eBay Partner Network) publisher you will want to advertise all eBay listings on your website with proper tracking links. Most EPN tools and the REST APIs are capable of dynamically exposing individual tracking links for your EPN account. However, the Feed API does not provide tracking links.

The tracking link has two parts; the affiliate URL and the target URL. The following sections detail how to construct this link.

Affiliate URL

All tracking links use this primary URL structure:

{target}&mkevt={tracking event type}&mkcid={channel ID}&mkrid={rotation ID}&campid={EPN campaign ID}&toolid={tool ID}&customid={sub ID}

The following table describes the parameters outlined in the affiliate URL part of the tracking link above.

Parameter Description Value Type Requirements
target The target URL part of the tracking link. See the Target URL section. Required
mkevt The tracking event type.


Valid values:

1 – Click

2 – Impression

3 – Viewable Impression

mkcid The channel ID.


Valid values:

1 – EPN

2 – Paid Search

3 – Natural Search

4 – Display

7 – Site Email

8 – Marketing Email

16 – Social Media


The rotation ID for the target marketplace.

See the rotation ID table below.


Required for performance marketing channels

Optional for CRM

campid The unique EPN campaign ID assigned to the eBay partner. Number Required
toolid The unique ID assigned to the data source (such as API, link generator, or data feed,) that provided the link.


Default value: 10001

customid The unique Sub ID created by the eBay partner. Also referred to as a Custom ID. Number Optional

The following table lists the relevant marketplaces and respective rotation IDs.

eBay ID Country Rotation ID
eBay AT Austria ( 5221-53469-19255-0
eBay AU Australia ( 705-53470-19255-0
eBay BE Belgium ( 1553-53471-19255-0
eBay CA Canada ( 706-53473-19255-0
eBay CH Switzerland ( 5222-53480-19255-0
eBay DE Germany ( 707-53477-19255-0
eBay ES Spain ( 1185-53479-19255-0
eBay FR France ( 709-53476-19255-0
eBay IE Ireland ( 5282-53468-19255-0
eBay GB Great Britain ( 710-53481-19255-0
eBay IT Italy ( 724-53478-19255-0
eBay NL Netherlands ( 1346-53482-19255-0
eBay PL Poland ( 4908-226936-19255-0
eBay US USA ( 711-53200-19255-0

Note: The Feed API only provides items only from marketplaces listed in Buy API Support by Marketplace. Many items listed on those marketplaces are eligible for cross-border trade and can be shipped to customers from other countries. If your customers are located in a country listed in the table above, make use of the corresponding top-level domain and rotation ID to redirect them to their local eBay marketplace.

Target URL

The target URL is the part of the EPN tracking link that is input into the target placeholder shown in the primary URL structure (see the Affiliate URL section).

Here is an example of a target URL:

https://www.ebay.{top-level domain}/itm/{listing ID}?var={variation ID}

The following table describes the parameters outlined in the target URL above.

Parameter Description
top-level domain The top-level domain (TLD) of the respective marketplace.
listing ID The unique offer or item (group) identifier on eBay.
variation ID The offer or item group variation (MSKU) identifier on eBay.

Tracking link examples

The following table provides examples of properly constructed EPN tracking links, given the provided details.

Affiliate URL Variables Target URL EPN Tracking Link
  • Tracking event type: 1
  • Channel ID: 1
  • Rotation ID: 707-53477-19255-0
  • Campaign ID: 1234567890
  • Tool ID: 10050
  • Sub ID: abc123!**********7?var=6**********7**********7?var=6**********7&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=707-53477-19255-0&campid=1234567890&toolid=10050&customid=abc123!
  • Tracking event type: 1
  • Channel ID: 1
  • Rotation ID: 710-53481-19255-0
  • Campaign ID: 1234567890
  • Tool ID: 10050
  • Sub ID: abc123!**********3?var=0**********3?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=1234567890&toolid=10050&customid=abc123!

Tracking priority listings with your Affiliate URL

The bootstrap and daily feeds include a Priority Listing attribute which you can use to track your priority listings with your Affiliate URL.

To create a priority listing tracking URL:

  1. Begin with your Affiliate URL.

    For example:**********3?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=1234567890&toolid=10050&customid=abc123!

  2. Make a call with the getItemFeed method of the Feed API, and retrieve the priorityListingPayload value.

    For example:


  3. Append the priorityListingPayload value to your Affiliate URL to create your priority listing tracking link.

    For example:**********3?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=1234567890&toolid=10050&customid=abc123!&amdata=enc%3AAQAFAAAAkB1DmsmXf%2BqZ%2BCEMGdebW6oR75GCMdBmc4MCQ%2FCEPqgKHbT0jdWhPwfY5LdUs6HTaP0eBlwKE7Smy2eDslewF7l3xjwWxjqwzNAnsYgxn2PiGkTKbiQSQytFUiymdtANpk1qOnBOoMGMK%2BWsji7jYlvySSs9o9s24TxD6RqWZpNrltzOU7mfnv3H40SZ3YESzg%3D%3D

Integrating with the Item Priority Feed

You should have already integrated with Bootstrap and Daily feeds and have a pipeline established for inventory curation. See Feed API integration for more information.

These are the additional steps you will need to follow to consume the Item Priority Feed:

  1. Integrate with the new feed endpoint to get your priority listing updates.
  2. Make a call with the getItemFeed/getItemPriorityFeed method of the Feed API, and retrieve the priorityListingPayload value.
    Note: You must consume the Daily feeds before consuming the Item Priority Feeds. This ensures that your inventory is up to date.
  3. Update your inventory with the information obtained in the Priority Tracking Payload for the applicable priority listings.
    Note: Once you have established your own curation criteria, not all priority listings will apply to your inventory.

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