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This archive document contains information about previous releases of the Order API (v1_beta). For current releases, see Order API (v1_beta) Release Notes.

Release Version Release Date Description of Release
v1_beta.25.1 2020-07-17 Added a new error message to the initiateCheckoutSession method.
v1_beta.25.0 2020-07-14 Added a new purchaseOrderWebUrl container to the getPurchaseOrder method response.
v1_beta.24.0 2020-07-09 Added support for line item fee details
v1_beta.23.1 2020-06-01 Added a new error message
v1_beta.23.0 2020-02-20 Added support for Australian 'Good and Services' tax
v1_beta.22.1 2020-01-08
  • For the shipping address the postalCode is now optional when shipping to HK
  • Added warning messages
v1_beta.22.0 2019-09-30 Removed duplicate coupon error messages
v1_beta.21.0 2019-08-22 Changes to error messages
v1_beta.20.0 2019-05-29
  • Added error messages
  • Added a unique line item order ID field
v1_beta.19.0 2019-05-23
  • Added import charges and shipment tracking information fields
  • Added new requirements for Global Shipping Program
  • Added and changed error messages
  • Changed marketing consent requirements
v1_beta.18.0 2019-04-15 Added support for the EBAY_CA marketplace
v1_beta.17.0 2019-04-08 Added fields to support returning coupon information by getPurchaseOrder
v1_beta.16.0 2019-03-04 Improved existing error messages and added new errors


The following section describes the changes implemented in this release.

Added a new error message

A new error message was added to the initiateCheckoutSession method.

Error ID Description
15050 Your transaction cannot be completed with the given information. Contact eBay customer service.


The following section describes the change implemented in this release.

Added a new purchaseOrderWebUrl container

A new purchaceOrderWebUrl container was added to the response of the getpurchaseOrder method. This new container returns the URL to the Order Details page on eBay.


The following sections describe the changes implemented in this release.

Added a new fees container

A new lineItem.fees container was added to the checkout and order methods. This new container provides a breakdown of the fees applicable to the line item, such as the type of fee and the fee amount.

Schema changes

To support this update, the following new types were added:

  • Fee type
  • FeeEnum type
  • fees field added to OrderLineItem type
  • fees field added to LineItem type


The following section describes the changes implemented in this release.

Added a new error message

A new error message was added to the following resource methods:

  • initiateCheckoutSession
  • initiateGuestCheckoutSession
  • initiateProxyGuestCheckoutSession
  • updateGuestPaymentInfo
  • updateGuestShippingAddress
  • updatePaymentInfo
  • updateProxyGuestPaymentInfo
  • updateProxyGuestShippingAddress
  • updateShippingAddress
Error ID Description
17002 Invalid character(s) found in the shipping address. Please check name and shipping address fields, remove invalid character(s) and resubmit the call.


This release contains the following changes.

Added support for Australian 'Good and Services' tax

If 'Good and Services' tax is applicable to one or more line items in an order, the new importTax container will be returned under the pricingSummary container. The total amount of 'Good and Services' tax for all line items of the order is shown in this container.

Schema changes

To support the 'Goods and Services' tax update, the following new types were added:

  • ImportTax type
  • ImportTaxTypeEnum type
  • importTax field added to PricingSummary type


This release contains the following changes.

Changed postalCode to optional when shipping to HK

When shipping an item to EBAY_HK - Hong Kong (, the ShippingAddress.postalCode field is optional.

Added warning messages

Two warning messages were added to the following methods.

  • initiateCheckoutSession
  • getCheckoutSession
  • initiateGuestCheckoutSession
  • getGuestCheckoutSession
  • initiateProxyGuestCheckoutSession
  • getProxyGuestCheckoutSession
Warning ID Description
20000 This order contains the item {itemId} that may be subject to certain importation permitting/licensing requirements. Please check applicable regulations for specific import restrictions in your country.
20001 This item {itemId} ships via a freight carrier. For information regarding shipping, tracking, delivery, etc. check with the seller.


In this release, the following error messages were removed from the add coupon methods. These errors were duplicates of other error messages.

  Error ID Message
Removed error


Duplicate of 16004

The coupon has not been activated. The coupon was ignored and no discount was applied to this order.
Removed error


Duplicate of 16012

The coupon is not valid for the {fieldName}. The coupon was ignored and no discount was applied to this order.


In this release, one error message was added and the error message of one error was changed for clarity.

  Error ID Message Methods
New error 15049 There is some issue with this payment. Contact eBay developer support for assistance.



Improved message 17000

New message: The payment cannot be processed due to a payment processor issue, such as invalid incentive, funding or financing issue, etc.

Old message: The payment cannot be processed due to insufficient funds or other issues with funding source. To complete this order, use the appropriate initiate checkout session call to create a new session and provide a new payment method.





In this release, two error messages were added and a unique line item order ID field was added.

Added error messages

In this release, the following two error messages were added.

Error ID Message Methods
15047 In compliance with applicable economic sanctions and trade restrictions, eBay is unavailable in your location. If you believe you are receiving this notice in error, please contact eBay's Customer Service.







15048 The value of {fieldName} is too long. For more information, see the documentation for this call.


Added a unique line item order ID field (for future use)

Added the lineItems.orderId field to the getGuestPurchaseOrder and getPurchaseOrder methods.

This field returns the new eBay unique order ID as a string. This is being rolled out starting in Summer 2019. In the future, this will replace the lineItems.legacyReference fields you use in the Post Order API. For details see, Easier order management with updated order numbers.

Added import charges and shipment tracking information fields

The following fields were added to support import charges (for the Global Shipping Program) and the shipment tracking information.

Field Description Method
lineItems.shippingOptions.importCharges The Global Shipping Program import charges for a specific line item. checkout methods: apply, get, initiate, remove, and update
pricingSummary.importCharges The sum of the Global Shipping Program import charges for all line items.

checkout methods: apply, get, initiate, remove, and update

getGuestPurchase Order getPurchaseOrder


A string describing the tracking event.

For example: On FedEx vehicle for delivery


The date of the shipment tracking event in UTC Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:00:00.000Z

For example: 2019-03-01T12:12:00.000Z


A normalized string for shipment tracking event.

getPurchaseOrder The city where the tracking event occurred. getPurchaseOrder The two letter code representing the country of the address where the tracking event occurred. getPurchaseOrder
shippingFulfillments.shipmentTrackingEvents.location.county The county where the tracking event occurred. getPurchaseOrder
shippingFulfillments.shipmentTrackingEvents.location.postalCode The postal code where the tracking event occurred. getPurchaseOrder
shippingFulfillments.shipmentTrackingEvents.location.stateOrProvince The state where the tracking event occurred. getPurchaseOrder

New Requirements for Global Shipping Program

The following are new user experience requirements for guest checkout when using the Global Shipping Program:

  • For total shipping cost - You must show the import charges amount. See Total Shipping Cost for details.
  • For total cost - You must breakdown of the charges and show the details regarding shipping and import costs. See Total Cost for details.

Error message changes

In this release, two error messages were added and one error message was changed.

  Error ID Message Methods
Existing message, added to 2 methods 15012 There is a limit on the quantity of this item that can be purchased. Reduce the quantity and resubmit the call.



New message 15046 One or more of the mandatory values is missing for marketingChannels and/or marketingTypes. For help, refer to the placeGuestOrder call documentation and resubmit the call.



Changed message 15044 At least one of the items in the cart cannot be purchased using this API. The purchase can be done on eBay, through the eBay app or eBay website.




Marketing consent requirement changes

In prior releases, the marketing consent requirements were different across marketplaces. With this release, the requirements for all marketplaces are:

  • Requirement changes for the buy button page
    • You must expose the marketing consent message.
    • You must expose an expressed marketing consent checkbox.
    • When the checkbox appears:
      • For marketplaces other than the US, the checkbox is to be disabled (un-checked).
      • For the US, the checkbox is to be enabled (checked).
  • Fields requirement changes for guest place order methods:
    • All marketingTerms fields are required and you must pass in all the valid values for marketingTypes, even if marketingTermsAccepted is set to false. See the Sample for details.
  • marketingTerms.marketingChannels

    "marketingChannels": [
  • marketingTerms.marketingTermsAccepted

    "marketingTermsAccepted": false|true,
  • marketingTerms.marketingTypes

    "marketingTypes": [


You can now use the Order API for checkout and with the eBay Member and eBay Guest PayPal Smart Button payment flows on the Canada ( site. The Canada site supports both English and French.

  • EBAY_CA - Canada (
    • English is the default
    • For French, set accept-language to fr-CA


The following fields were added to the getPurchaseOrder and the getGuestPurchaseOrder method response. These field provide information about the coupons and/or promotions that were applied to the order.

New Field Description
lineItems.baseUnitPrice The cost of a single item in this line item.
pricingSummary.additionalSavings The total amount of the coupon discounts in the purchase order. The discount amount on the applied promotional offer.
lineItems.promotions.discountPercentage Note: The purchase order methods do not support this field.
lineItems.promotions.message The text for the promotion title, which describes the promotion. For example, Buy 1, Get 1.
lineItems.promotions.promotionCode An identifier of the promotion that was generated by the system when the promotion was created.
lineItems.promotions.promotionType Indicates the kind of promotion. Some examples are: SellerDiscountedPromotionalOffer and COUPON.


Documentation on Integrating with PayPal's Smart Button

The Order API documentation now has details on how to integrate the Order API with PayPal's Smart Button. The PayPal Smart Button eBay guest payment flow is supported only for eBay guest checkouts. There are two flows:

These flows let eBay guests pay for items with or without having a PayPal account. They can sign into PayPal and use any payment method associated with their PayPal Account, or without a PayPal account they can pay using a credit card or a direct debit all without leaving your app or site. Using these flows you do not need to be PCI compliant.


In this release, the error message for 15023, 15024, and 17000 was improved and the following error were added.

Methods Error ID Description
initiateCheckoutSession 15024 There is a problem with the buyer's payment method. Please check or provide another payment method for this order.
applyGuestCoupon, removeGuestCoupon, updateGuestPaymentInfo, updateGuestQuantity, updateGuestShippingAddress, updateGuestShippingOption 15032 After using the 'initiateGuestPayment' call, you cannot make changes to the cart. If you need to change the cart, you must start over using the initiateGuestCheckoutSession call.

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