eBay Finding APIVersion 1.13.0

Applicable values for findItemsByCategoryRequest.sortOrder

Sorts items by Best Match, which is based on community buying activity and other relevance-based factors.

Note: eBay site search results sorted by Best Match may not match the API search results sorted by Best Match. The site Best Match algorithm takes into account additional factors, such as user information, not available to the API.
Sorts items by the number of bids they have received, with items that have received the fewest bids first.

Sorting by bid count is supported on the eBay US (global ID EBAY-US), eBay Germany (global ID EBAY-DE), and eBay Australia (global ID EBAY-AU) sites only. To sort by bid count, you must specify a listing type filter to limit results to auction listings only (e.g., & itemFilter.name=ListingType&itemFilter.value=Auction).
Sorts items by the number of bids they have received, with items that have received the most bids first.

Sorting by bid count is supported on the eBay US (global ID EBAY-US), eBay Germany (global ID EBAY-DE), and eBay Australia (global ID EBAY-AU) sites only. To sort by bid count, you must specify a listing type filter to limit results to auction listings only (e.g., & itemFilter.name=ListingType&itemFilter.value=Auction).
Sorts items available on the the given site (as specified by global ID in the HTTP header or URL parameter) by the country in which they are located. For CountryAscending, items located in the country most closely associated with the site appear first, followed by items in related countries, and then items from other countries.

For example, when searching the Ireland site, items located in Ireland (IE) will be returned first, followed by items located in related countries like the United Kingdom (GB), the United States (US), Hong Kong (HK), and Singapore (SG) next. Remaining items are sorted in alphabetical order by English country name (regardless of the language for the site), with some exceptions (e.g., United States sorts first, APO/FPO sorts near the end).

CountryAscending applies to the following sites only: Austria (EBAY-AT), Belgium-French (EBAY-FRBE), Belgium-Netherlands (EBAY-NLBE), Germany (EBAY-DE), Ireland (EBAY-IE), Netherlands (EBAY-NL), Poland (EBAY-PL), Spain (EBAY-ES), and Switzerland (EBAY-CH).
Sorts items available on the the given site (as specified by global ID in the HTTP header or URL parameter) by the country in which they are located. For CountryDescending, items are sorted in reverse order of CountryAscending. That is, items in countries not specifically related to the site appear first, sorted in descending alphabetical order by English country name. For example, when searching the Ireland site, items located in countries like Yugoslavia or Uganda are returned first. Items located in Ireland (IE) will be returned last.

CountryDescending applies to the following sites only: Austria (EBAY-AT), Belgium-French (EBAY-FRBE), Belgium-Netherlands (EBAY-NLBE), Germany (EBAY-DE), Ireland (EBAY-IE), Netherlands (EBAY-NL), Poland (EBAY-PL), Spain (EBAY-ES), and Switzerland (EBAY-CH).
Sorts items by their current price, with the highest price first.
Sorts items by distance from the buyer in ascending order. The request must also include a buyerPostalCode.
Sorts items by end time, with items ending soonest listed first.
Sorts items by the combined cost of the item price plus the shipping cost, with highest combined price items listed first. Items are returned in the following groupings: highest total-cost items (for items where shipping was properly specified) appear first, followed by freight- shipping items, and then items for which no shipping was specified. Each group is sorted by price.
Sorts items by the combined cost of the item price plus the shipping cost, with the lowest combined price items listed first. Items are returned in the following groupings: lowest total-cost items (for items where shipping was properly specified) appear first, followed by freight- shipping items, and then items for which no shipping was specified. Each group is sorted by price.
Sorts items by the start time, the most recently listed (newest) items appear first.
Sorts items by watch count in decreasing order for the given site. The items with highest watch count appear earlier in results than those with lower watch count.